Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Health and Safety (Week 11)

Final week of lecture phase teaching. Crazy times. Great speaker (another Brit who’s moved to NZ – you tryin to tell me something God?). Great teaching. New concepts.
It feels both like we’ve been here forever and yet like time’s gone so fast since we got here.
So this week we (Team South Africa) had a health and safety briefing on how not to get HIV/mugged/shot/attacked by baboons, snakes or spiders when we’re in SA. General conclusion: we’re probs all gonna die - mugging is far more likely but death is possible. However one of our speakers mentioned that he’s never met a DTS student who died on outreach so there’s hope for us yet (o how we laughed).
The point when I realised we might die? When we were told what to do if someone tries to hi-jack the van.
The point when I realised mugging was pretty certain? When we decided that its probs best to carry some money in your pocket so that when(if) you get mugged you have something to give them.
Fun times await.
Mum, quit freaking out, I’m exaggerating for comic effect (ahem). For real though, we were only told what to do incase it happens. The chances of it happening are pretty slim if we’re safety conscious. But then someone got eaten by a shark when the team were there last year and the chances of us getting eaten by a shark are pretty slim too…
The truth though. This was the first week that I began to feel real excitement for the trip. Until this week it seemed too far away to be real. But now it’s less than two weeks away. The crazy thing is that Team Thailand leave on Wednesday – tears await.

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