Sunday, 19 December 2010

Another Rainy Day in Auckland (Week 12)

So what have I done this week?

Clean like there’s no tomorrow (but that actually doesn’t make sense because if there was no tomorrow then you wouldn’t really bother cleaning would you?). LoveFeast. Eat like there’s no tomorrow. Say goodbye to Team Thailand (the Fellowship is broken – sad times and tears). Go see some Christmas lights. Get carried up a mountain. Shop (I finally had a legitimate reason to shop). Get stuck in traffic. Walk in the rain. And a few other things.

So I’m guessing that you’re wondering what a LoveFeast is. Sounds like some weird hippy cult thing right? Fear not, it’s just a YWAM thing. We all dressed up (not an easy task when all the clothes you have are suitable for lazing around in) and had a feast. And I mean FEAST – like in Beauty and the Beast but with less (make that no) singing household items – however we did have a boyband serenade us. The kitchen crew slaved away for hours and hours to make what was probably the best meal I’ve had in the last three months – I was so glad I was wearing a dress with no waist band. We had food, Secret Santa and awesome slideshow and video (can I say video? Sounds a bit old skool. What are you even supposed to call it?) of the last three months. It was crazy how many things we’d done that I’d forgotten about.

On to the next big thing of the week: shopping.

This was the first time I’d been proper shopping in three months. Three. Long. Months. It was a bit of a culture shock to go to an actual real life shopping centre. It was even better than what I dreamt it would be. When we first got there I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to look at every thing and go in every shop. I think my jaw dropped. To top it all off, what should have been a twenty minute journey back to the church took two hours. I’m blaming it on the rain (Team Thailand took the sun with them and its rained for the last few days). Fortunately all was not lost – as we were too late to prepare dinner (leftover vegan food) and so we went to MacDonald’s instead. Goodbye healthy vegan food, hello evil fastfood food.

So now I’m guessing that you’re wondering why I was carried up a mountain?

On Thursday our team leader (Andy) set us a challenge - we had to walk to the top of Mount Eden (an old volcano about a mile-ish away) keeping one person off the ground at all times. We also had one person who was blindfolded and another who couldn’t speak. To make it harder the blindfolded person could only be led by the one who couldn’t speak.

Just picture it: eight people walking along the road, one with someone on their back, one blindfolded and another trying to communicate with elaborate gestures. Did I mention it was raining? Well it was raining, so throw in a few umbrellas and rain coats.

I think it was a combination of the promise of ice cream if we were successful, the challenge and male pride that got us to the top. It wasn’t an easy task but it was fun. Even though I had to suffer the indignity of being carried quite a bit of the way. Why was it undignified? Just ask yourself one simple question: would the Queen do it? If she wouldn’t then clearly it’s not dignified. But then again I’m not the Queen so maybe I’m setting my standards too high.  

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