Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Decisions Decisions (Week 10)

So Week Ten came and went before I even realised it. I was hoping for a nice relaxed week on the character and nature of God. I soon realised that wasn’t gonna happen. Week Eight was high energy intensity, week ten was a low energy intensity. My brain did not have the opportunity it so wanted to sit back and listen. It was a good week though. I’m too tired to write much about it. It was good, you’ll have to imagine the rest.
On Friday our subject was refugees (Justice Friday remember). Our speaker was this awesome English lady who now lives in New Zealand. She’s had one of those crazy lives that involves living in a few of the ‘-istans’ (yep, you caught me – I can’t remember which ones).
It’s estimated that there are 44 million refugees worldwide.
That’s 44 million people who, due to political instability, genocide, famine, war or persecution, have been forced to leave their homes and seek safety somewhere else. 44 million people who have had to leave all their belongings and take only what they can carry. 44 million people who have had to leave everything familiar, travel to somewhere new and start all over again.
44 million people.
That’s 11 times the population of New Zealand. 11 times. I hope I didn’t freak you out but I had no idea there were so many. Did you?
A refugee has no home to return to. Often no rights within the country they seek refuge.  And contrary to popular belief, many refugees can only afford to travel across the nearest border, not into western countries. I was ashamed to learn that western countries, either through certain action or inaction, in the past or at the present, have caused the reasons for so many people leaving their homes behind.
I found this topic a real challenge as I was confronted with my own inaction. With some topics we’ve looked at its been hard to see how I could help other than by praying and giving money to organisations that work within these areas. But we don’t have to look far to meet someone who is seeking refuge where we live.

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