Thursday, 14 October 2010

One quarter down, three to go (lectures that is)

We're going away this weekend to Tauranga so I'm posting this week's entry a few days early. We're gonna be spending some time on a Marae and at the Tauranga House of Prayer. 

This week our topic is the nature and character of God. Here's a few things we covered.

God is...

All-knowing - He reveals deep and mysterious things and knows what lies hidden in darkness, though he himself is surrounded by light. Daniel 2:22

All powerful - I am the Lord, the God of all peoples of the world. Is anything too hard for me? Jeremiah 32:27

Spirit - For God is Spirit. John 4:24

Glorious - Everything he does reveals his glory and majesty. Psalm 111:3 

Creator- You alone are the Lord. You made the skies and the heavens and all the stars. You made the earth and the seas and everything in them. You preserve and give life to everything, and all the angels of heaven worship you. Nehemiah 9:6

Love - God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them. 1 John 4:16

And now for something completely different (yet entirely related).

So this is it. The moment y'all been waiting for (cue the dramatic/mysterious music). It's bigger than Lady Gaga (shock horror- who thought that was possible?). It's more important than the X-Factor final (I know you think that's not possible but trust me, it is). It's more exciting than the Die Hard films (I was skeptical too, but again you're gonna have to trust me).

Can you tell what it is yet? (I hope you read that in your best Rolf Harris voice)

The new Narnia Film?
The next Leeland album?

It's (dramatic drumroll)...

...time to tell you where I'm going for outreach!!!! (when I started this blog I told myself that I couldn't use exclamation points and smiley faces to make my point, I had to learn to write properly. However, I think that outreach is totally worthy of exclamationising).

So yeah, I'm going to SOUTH AFRICA after Christmas. Yes you read it right, South to-the Afr to-the Ca. Muizenberg (think that's how you spell it) near Cape Town to be specific. I know what y'all thinking -'praise the Lord - someone there can fix her hair.' Now I don't wanna play the racism card but iz it coz I is Blak?!!

Will give more details later so be sure to tune in next week for the next installment of The Amazing Adventures of Rachel Holmes: Once upon a DTS                          


  1. Camille Whitehead16 October, 2010 18:55

    Ah that's awesome you're going to SA!! Haha what are you planning on doing with your hair there?! Loving your blogs by the way :) Take care of yourself! xxxx

  2. loooooool that hair comment had me laughing a lot!

    I can't believe you're going to South Africa! And having read all your posts up to this point now, I'm really excited about the social justice focus of what you'll be doing in South Africa...I'm looking forward to hearing all about it!

    Take care

  3. I thought you were going to say the Harry Potter film was coming out next month...the other stuff is just a let down.

  4. As if Harry Potter is more exciting than Christmas!! I think you need a reality check x x
