Friday, 22 April 2011

Here Endeth the Blog

So I’ve now been home for just over a week. Life is returning to normal(ish).
How was the South Island? Crazy Beautiful as. You should go sometime. Major shoutout to Beam for being Chief Driver Extraordinaire and Awesome Organiser Superwoman.
Hows being home? Good as.
How was the whole trip? Crazy as man, crazy as. Good times. Bad times. Crazy as times. Totally worth it. Love to the YWAM crew, I miss you.
So what’s next? Who knows? Certainly not me.
As this is the last post I feel like it should end with a carnival, fireworks and a sixteen course banquet or something. Unfortunately I left them in my other life so we’ll just have to make do with this. The second most pointless post ever. The first being Outreach Week Seven.
I also think that I need a summary. This is gonna have to wait till I figure out exactly what happened over the last six months. Here's a lesson in patience for you.
So that’s it. The NZ Blogs hath ended. It's been a pleasure getting to know you.
Over and out. (Cue moody album cover photo)